Wednesday, January 5, 2011

welcome 2011

I'm wishing you all very happy 2011!

A whole new year ahead of us! That means new things. And new things in my case are of course some glimpses of new designs.

So, not much to show you yet, only some quickly taken photos in poor light and extreme cold of  -24 Celsius... But many thanks to my sweet little sister for taking them.


Ms. Kimba said...

wow. you really should submit your designs in a magazine!

Ullfull said...

Wow, me like!! Thanks for all nice designs!! Anita on Gotland in Sweden
stickanita on Ravelry

Unknown said...

Wow, you must have been really busy knitting and designing so many things lately. And all are lovely as usually.

rebecca said...

love the pictures and can't wait to see the new designs!

Ariane said...

Even the glimpses are driving me nuts!! Can,t wait for your patterns to come out!!

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful!

CelticCastOn said...

ohhhh love the hair :)
Beautiful designs, can't wait to see whats ahead for you this year.
If you ever need another test knitter I'd love to.

veera said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! So many lovely comments!

Anonymous said...

they look lovely! thanks for sharing!

Doré Way said...
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Doré Way said...

Happy New Year, Veera, from my cold, northern country (Canada) to yours! I love this time of year -cold frosty days with hopefully some sun.

Your new designs are lovely as always - and I really appreciate your choice of yarns. Pigeonroof studios has the most gorgeous yarns, and I learned about them from you!


Chantal Boucher said...

Wow look very very interesting!!!

Julie said...

You are so amazingly prolific with your designs!! They look amazing. Happy New Year! I hope 2011 is a wonderful, special year for you.

polkaknits said...

I've finished Modern Garden recently and I love it! I'm sure I'm going to make more of your patterns!
Cheers and Happy New Year from Poland!

Mette said...

I love your designs. When can we get the pattern for the long jacket?

Anonymous said...

I'm always so captivated by your designs. It's part of the reason I've committed to successfully knitting something (probably just a scarf) this year. Seriously, how long does one of your sweaters take you?! So gorgeous!!

Kathy said...

Thank you for the lovely preview! So much to look forward to in 2011!

Ausifer said...

So lovely designs, can't wait to knit them <3

Ani said...

Ooo! Is a pattern booklet in your future?

Your designs are beautiful. I just knit your free little beanie pattern and I get so many compliments on it. I also just bought Folded and am trying to settle on a yarn.

P.S. the short hair is super cute!

Ibunnysavetroy said...

looks awesome. (ps Self publish, you don't need magazines!)
I can't wait to see what you have planned!

Birgitte said...

Beautiful! Looking forward to the patterns :)
And a happy New Year to you, too!

petoskystone said...

such lovely designs (naturally). the whiteness of the snow is a great backdrop, despite the chill. a warm & prosperous new year!

Linda said...

Beautiful designs and I love the way you have photographed them, but it was so cold!!

Paula Nina said...

I'm a big fan from your art! The pics are great! Looking forward for the patterns!

Tuija said...

Ihanilta ja houkuttelevilta näyttävät nämäkin neuleet taas! Sinulla on kyllä menossa aikamoinen tehokkaan luomisen kausi. En valita. :)

ArualMaria said...

Oi joi, ihanan näköisiä malleja taas tulossa! Onnellista alkanutta vuotta! <3

Anonymous said...

oh! I adore those patterns. I completely love the grey long sweater. And the cable across the breast of the navy? black? sweater is innovative! Can't wait.

nicole said...

OOoh can't wait to see more!

Happy 2011!!! And here's to more of your incredible designs.

alligator said...

I have been working on a Twenty Ten Cardigan all week, I love it so much so far! Thanks so much for sharing your lovely designs, they are wonderful! said...

Can't wait for the vest - just love it - like so may of your other designs.

Christine said...

Looking forward to the release of your new designs (and adding them to my Rav queue. If you ever need a test knitter let me know

Flikka said...

Beautiful designs! Check out my blog, there's something for you. :)

Camilla said...

love love love the long gray cardigan/jacket. when can we buy pattens?