After finishing my plain and simple sweater and casting on two rather big projects, i found myself dreaming of a new hat. Now three days later i have knitted two new hats, but i'm not completely happy about them.

Berets have been my thing for a long time now and finding quick and easy pattern for one made me cast on. My gauge was way off, but i liked the look of it so i figured i could easily adjust everything while knitting. Somehow that was not the case... First it was too small, then too big and now (after finishing) it's just too fluffy (or something).
A Country Beret by Erssie Major
Yarn: Debbie Bliss Donegal Chunky Tweed
Needles: 6,0 mm

The other hat is a sweet and easy beanie. I love the woolen yarn that i used in my drops-jacket and had some left, so this was a perfect project for it. I love the fishbone-pattern in this beanie and simply adore it in this shiny gray color. Even though it is slightly too big for me, i love this hat!

Pescovegetarian Beanie by Veera Villapuu
Yarn: Reused wool
Needles: 6,0 mm