Monday, August 30, 2010

sweet vanilla

Sometimes things don't work out as you hope they would. Lately I've been frogging two (and a half) almost finished sweaters - I just didn't like them enough. I know it happens, but it feels kind of sad too. At least when you've felt the it's-not-so-good-as-you-think somewhere deep in your mind for many days, but still went on with the project. How to know when it's the right time to let go?

After that I needed some easy and happy to cheer me up. Oh, that so worked out. Lightweight merino, plain Stockinette and yet something to keep me interested. Turned out quite romantic and sweet. And comfy. The tunic was supposed to be for a friend, but I'm having some serious doubts about that now. I love to wear this thing.

Pattern: my own
Yarn: madelinetosh tosh merino light
Needles 4 mm and 2.5 mm


siina said...

Ja taas se on tehnyt jotain upeaa :D
Ihana tuo etuhelman juju!

agnes said...

Great! Wonderful work!

liebe Grüße

sheknitupthat said...

Beautiful, looks very comfy and elegant too.

Anonymous said...

I love it, but I am so short it probably wouldn't look too good on me. But that's such a beautiful color.

French Press Knits said...


Maryse said...

It's beautiful and fits you perfectly! Love the name you gave it!

zofia said...

very beautiful.

petoskystone said...

lovely. awesome hemline.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh lovely! Looks so comfy and perfect for the fall! Will you be writing up a pattern? : )

Pirre said...

Wau jälleen kerran!!! Olet löytränyt tyylisi ja se on hieno!

Anonymous said...

Siis kyllä kyllä ja kyllä! Pidän tyylistäsi. Ihan minua tämäkin kuten se ihana Still Light jota kehutaan joka kerta kun sitä käytän - siis ihan kuule ruokakauppaa myöten;-)